That first year of driving on a full license is certainly something long-time drivers look back on fondly. Finally, you get to ditch those conspicuous L plates, bin the bus timetable, and you no longer have to beg a full license holder to pop into the car so you can go for a drive. At last, you get to enjoy the freedom of being a motorist. However, that year goes quickly, and you might be surprised at how soon you have to renew your motor insurance. While most insurance providers offer some auto-renew function, we at Goggin Insurance always recommend looking at your policy whenever it's time to renew your insurance. We'll get into the best way to investigate your motor insurance options in a moment, but first, let's go through what you should expect when your renewal date rolls around.
What should I expect the closer I get to my renewal date?
Insurance companies will send a renewal notice 20 working days or four weeks before your active policy expires. This notice is usually received either by email or through the post. Insurance companies call this notice a motor insurance renewal pack.
Motor Insurance Renewal Pack
The renewal pack will contain essential information on your current insurance package, including:
The amount you paid for car insurance the previous year
Quotes for the various available policy options (Third party-only insurance, third-party, fire and theft insurance)
A no-claims discount certificate.*
*Important: Keep this no-claims certificate safe, as it's necessary if you decide to move to a new insurance provider.
Isn't it easier to auto-renew my car insurance?
Auto-renewing car insurance is a service offered by a variety of providers for the simple reason that it is much easier. Your insurance renews without any effort, and you can avoid the often tedious exercise of reading through your policy information. So, yes, it is easier to auto-renew your car insurance, but it may also mean you're missing out on a better deal. A better deal a professional insurance broker will be able to lock in for you.
How is my car insurance renewable price calculated?
Unfortunately, it happens to all drivers at some stage in their motoring lives. A renewal pack has been opened, and you're being asked to pay more for the same protection you got last year. How has this happened? The answer is usually a combination of factors. Everything from a change in your circumstances to a change in the car you drive can affect your car insurance. Factors outside your control, such as rising industry costs, can also mean you're required to pay more for your car insurance. This is yet another reason to avoid auto-renewing and instead shop around for the best deal possible.
Okay, I'm willing to shop around. How do I get the best car insurance deal possible?
Luckily, with Goggin's Insurance, getting the best car insurance deal possible is easy. We do the hard work for you. Leveraging our years of experience, we work with some of Ireland's largest insurance companies to find the best deal possible for your unique needs. A good deal on car insurance includes a fair price for the annual premiums along with the right cover for your unique requirements. We can look at insurance extras like breakdown assistance, courtesy car, windscreen cover, and no-claims bonus protection.
Is your car insurance renewal date approaching? Call our office today to see if we can get you a better deal. Our experts will ask you a few basic questions before getting you the best quote.