
November 19, 2018
The decisions made at retirement will a have long term impact on your retirement income. You should review your post retirement income with your financial advisor and discuss your options for retirement benefits. What is an ARF? An Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) is a personal retirement fund where you can keep your money invested after...
The risks you face as an IT professional are complex and expanding. The simplest error or omission can lead to complete system failures and large losses in revenue. IT Insurance, or professional liability insurance, provides financial protection for legal liability resulting from third-party claims, including allegations of defamation, programming errors, intellectual property infringement, breach of...
Do’s 1. When you are driving with a child in the back, make sure the child locks are switched on and functioning correctly. This prevents children from opening the door when the car is moving. 2. Consider buying a reclining child car seat for long journeys. This will help support your child’s head and neck if they fall asleep....
1. Secure Christmas Lights Don’t feed extension cables through partially opened windows to power outdoor lights. Instead, use solar or battery powered lights. 2. Exercise Social Media Discretion Don’t advertise your current location or your holiday plans on Social Media. Refrain from posting photos of gifts. Burglars use Social Media, particularly Facebook, to find out...
Before setting off on any journey in severe Winter weather, ask yourself is road travel absolutely necessary? If it is, follow these tips to prepare your vehicle well and drive with caution. CHECK YOUR VEHICLE 1. Check your Wipers Wiper blades wear down over time and worn blades could obscure your view when driving in...